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Bitget and BitKeep Announce Partnership to Introduce First-Ever Launchpad.

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Bitget and BitKeep Announce Partnership to Introduce First-Ever Launchpad.

Bitget, a leading global cryptocurrency exchange, has deployed its Launchpad in conjunction with BitKeep, a top cryptocurrency wallet with more than six million users globally. With over 1.8 million users worldwide, the exchange is a global digital asset trading platform offering spot trading, derivatives trading, and digital asset purchasing services. As a new entrant in the DeFi, Dapp,비트겟and NFT fields, Launchpad creates a closed ecological loop. The core purpose of the Bitget Launchpad is to support the crypto ecosystem by offering access to promising crypto projects. Users can participate by simply holding assets or trading to win featured project tokens. Bitget launchpad aims to discover more quality projects for users and gain opportunities to participate in the projects at their early stages and receive rewards from airdrops. Through this platform, project owners can utilize Bitget’s rich resources and extensive community to build a global brand. By partnering with BitKeep, projects are able to reach users on both platforms, further maximizing their exposure and potential.


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