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igned contract with BITGET and MRP

작성자 사진: storm marketerstorm marketer

igned contract with BITGET and MRP

BITGET, a global cryptocurrency derivatives exchange, announced that it has signed a strategic partnership with MRP Partners (hereinafter referred to as Mrp, Coin Ilbo), a cryptocurrency information providing service. They plan to create various synergies in their respective business fields, starting with the collaborative promotion that took place on December 26 last year. =korea site 비트겟 BITGET is a derivatives exchange that is ranked 6th in the global ranking based on CoinMarketCap. Bitget, which launched the 'copy trading' service last year and recruited 2,287 world-class experts, induces the participation of experts in MRP Partners to participate in copy trading through this collaboration, and allows general members to easily trade cryptocurrency derivatives. We plan to provide investment guides and fee discounts so that you can try it out.


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