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비트겟은 2018년 싱가포르에 설립된 암호화폐 파생상품 거래소입니다

비트겟은 2018년 싱가포르에 설립된 암호화폐 파생상품 거래소입니다

BitGet is a cryptocurrency derivatives exchange established in Singapore in 2018. It provides a variety of services, including futures trading and spot trading, and has a total of over 1.5 million global members. In terms of derivatives trading volume, it ranks fifth in the world, with trading volume exceeding KRW 6 trillion. You can find BitGet on trusted rating sites such as CMC, CoinGecko, and Cryptoadventure. Bitget raised $10 million in Series B investment through SNK and Anlan Capital in 비트겟July 2020, and is a unicorn company currently valued at over $1 billion. The BitGet team is made up of a diverse and talented workforce in cryptology, financial investing, media and electronic gaming


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유동성이 주식 수익률

유동성이 주식 수익률에 미치는 영향은 Amihud와 Mendelson에 의해 처음으로 실증적으로 조사되었습니다[ 6 ]. 그들은 매수-매도 스프레드로 측정된 비유동성이 오목한 스프레드-수익 관계를 갖는 수익의 증가 함수라는 것을 발견했습니다....


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